Plaza Must Haves: Black Friday

With Black Friday finally here, what does that mean? That means it's time for shopping with sales of up to 50%. This is the perfect time for you to buy those items that have just been sitting on your wishlist for so long. Here are some of my favourites for you to see...

Clothes: Denim Jacket, BodMod | White Towel Wrap, Bird's Eye | Sheet Beach Skirt, Riviera | Off Shoulder Heaver Knit, Nelly | Black Cigarette Pants, Windows on the World | Hera Otherworld Drape Skirt, Otherworld |
Shoes & Bags: Glitter Peep Toes, RIO | Siri Bag, Nelly | Royalty Spring Ceremony Sandals, Royalty ||
Accessories: Gold Accent Necklace, Voile | Solid Gold Choker, Riviera | Color Block Fedora, Nelly ||

What do you think of my choices?
Do you like them too?
Megzio98 xx


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